Our Workforce Australia Transition to Work team had a great time hosting the 2023 Youth Job Meet Somerset!
In collaboration with the Workforce Australia Local Jobs Program, the event brought together employers from around the Somerset region to connect and present job opportunities in a fresh fun way, generating excellent outcomes for the community. It was fantastic to see an impressive turnout for the event, with a large number of employers and young people making the most of the opportunity.
Our Transition to Work (TtW) service supports young people on their journey to enter employment or complete education. Our coaches work with young people to identify meaningful work or study options, and support resume writing and interview skills, helping to grow a young person’s confidence and belief in their potential. Our team is there every step of the way to ensure young people have the skills and support they need to achieve their goals.
We would like to thank the sponsor of the event Moreton Bay Regional Council, for supplying the venue and ASE Group for their inspiring initiatives. A massive thank you also goes out to the young people who attended the event, your energy and enthusiasm did not go unnoticed!
A great atmosphere and an equally great day! Roll on 2024 as we look forward to a bigger, better Youth Job Meet next year. To keep in touch with #TeamSYC and be notified of future events, follow us on LinkedIn.
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