About Surveys at SYC

At SYC, we use surveys as a proactive way to seek feedback and gather data and information from our clients, participants, and stakeholders.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is SYC sending me surveys?

If you’ve received a survey from SYC it is because you have engaged with one of our services. We do surveys to better understand the experience that clients, participants, and stakeholders have when engaging with our services.

I got a survey – is it really from SYC?

It’s wise to be cautious when you receive unsolicited emails or SMS’s. When we send a survey or SMS, the sender will appear as ‘SYC’ and emails will be from either [email protected] or [email protected]

If you’re ever unsure about the legitimacy of an email or SMS from SYC, you can ask your service provider or Contact Us.

Is the survey compulsory?

No. Your participation in surveys is voluntary and your decision to participate in a survey will not affect your relationship with your service provider or with SYC.

How long does it take to complete a survey?

The time it takes to complete a survey will vary and depends on the questions included in the survey that you have received and how detail you put in your free text responses. On average, surveys take between 2-3 minutes to complete.

If you run out of time to complete a survey you may be able to come back and complete it later.

How will SYC protect my confidentiality?

Data collected in surveys is confidential, meaning that your personal information and responses will never be revealed outside of SYC. All data is de-identified by removal of any personal information that may have been collected or disclosed. Data are then aggregated (combined with other responses) to render summary statistics or themes and reported on.

All information collected in surveys is stored securely on Qualtrics or SYC servers in Australia. Qualtrics is a secure surveying platform that meets international data privacy and security framework requirements. You can find out more about how Qualtrics handles your personal information here.

It is important to note that confidentiality has limits. Any information that you provide can be disclosed only if:

  • It is protect you or others from harm; or
  • You provide researchers with written permission

Please be aware that quotes are sometimes derived from free-text responses, and you may inadvertently reveal your identity if you share an opinion or experience that can be identified by others.

How will my information be used?

When information is collected, aggregated, and analysed, it is frequently used in internal reports, and is sometimes used in external reports, publications, and presentations.

Information that is collected is predominantly used to identify opportunities for continuous improvement of SYC’s services. Information is also sometimes used to contribute to knowledge of specific issues, and occasionally for advocacy purposes.

How does SYC comply with privacy laws?

SYC adheres to the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs). The APPs are connected to the Privacy Act 1988 and outline a set of standards, rights, and obligations regarding the handling, use, and management of personal information in Australia.

You can read SYC's Privacy Policy here.

How do I opt-out?

If you would like to opt-out, there is a link in the email or SMS survey invitation you received that you can follow to set your preferences.

How do I make a complaint?

If you wish to make a complaint you can access SYC’s complaints process here.