SYC is excited to announce the publication of the Lived Experience Framework | SA’s Housing and Homelessness System! Commissioned by the SA Housing Authority (SAHA), the Lived Experience Framework serves as a valuable resource for the wider housing and homelessness sector that offers a comprehensive blueprint for integrating and advancing lived experience at the individual, organisational, and systemic levels. The Framework was co-designed by SYC's Lived Experience Engagement Service (LEES), stakeholders from SA's Specialist Homelessness Services (SHS) and, importantly, people with lived experience of SA’s housing and homelessness system.
The Lived Experience Framework outlines for the SHS and SAHA a range of ways to enable people with lived experience to authentically participate in service review and improvement. Additionally, it sets out to generate greater insight into people’s needs and perspectives to improve the experience of those navigating and working within the housing and homelessness system.
Improving people’s experiences of services and the sector’s capacity to respond to people’s unique needs and circumstances will lead to better outcomes for all. A commitment to embedding lived experience in SA’s housing and homelessness system reform means that as the sector transitions into new ways of working, service delivery and strategic direction, they are informed by the priorities and principles identified by people with lived experience.
SYC’s Lived Experience Engagement Service (LEES) is available to support those in the sector who would like guidance with their lived experience activities. Please get in touch with the LEES at [email protected] to discuss how we can work together.
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