SYC has released a Data Snapshot, Facing the Demand for Tenant Support and Advocacy in South Australia, highlighting the demand for rental market advice, information, and advocacy. Fueled by insights derived from over 26,000 instances of support, the Data Snapshot provides insight into those who are seeking advice and information, as well as the specific challenges they encounter in the current rental market in South Australia.
SYC CEO Mark Hoffman-Davis speaks to the urgency of the situation, "Our Data Snapshot illustrates a stark reality for tenants grappling with a rental market under immense pressure. Vacancy rates remain low, rent prices soar, and building approvals dwindle, making housing affordability increasingly elusive. This isn't just about numbers; it's about safeguarding a fundamental human right - housing."
The Data Snapshot, based on information collected from more than 26,000 instances of referrals, education, and support provided to tenants in 2023, shows that:
Highlighting key findings from the report, Hoffman-Davis emphasises RentRight SA's critical role in supporting tenants facing a myriad of challenges. "In 2023, we witnessed a notable surge in demand for advice and support, particularly from those residing in areas of significant disadvantage. Older tenants, in particular, sought our assistance more than ever before, underscoring the breadth of the crisis."
Delving deeper into the data, the report reveals alarming trends. "A concerning proportion of tenants, faced with lease terminations, found themselves with nowhere else to go. Many reported unresolved maintenance issues, including pervasive mould, posing serious health risks," adds Hoffman-Davis.
Despite these challenges, SYC remains steadfast in its commitment to meeting the needs of vulnerable tenants.
"Whether navigating SACAT proceedings or providing invaluable advice and support, SYC stands ready to assist. However, a sustainable solution is imperative to ensure safe and stable housing for all," affirms Hoffman-Davis.
Click here to view the full report.
SYC’s RentRight SA’s housing advice and advocacy service is a free, independent service, helping people sustain their tenancies in private rental, community housing, rooming houses or public housing. This program is supported by the Government of South Australia, SA Housing Authority. If you have questions about your rights as a tenant, please contact 1800 060 462 or find more information about the service here.
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