Every year, we survey participants in SYC’s Employment Services to better understand their experiences and look for opportunities for improvement. This summary outlines key insights from the 2023 surveys.
Who responded:
What did they say?
Had their needs met:
Helped to achieve goals:
SYC was easy to contact:
The top two activities that helped respondents progress toward their employment goals were:
Feedback and Complaints:
What Now?
Your feedback will be used to help us continually improve our services. We will continue doing what works and seek to improve in areas where it’s most needed.
One key insight from the 2023 Survey was that 38% of respondents did not know how to give feedback or make a complaint about SYC’s Employment Services. At SYC, we’re committed to participant voice and will take steps to ensure that participants are aware of how to give feedback and make complaints.
If you would like to find out how to give feedback or make a complaint, please ask our staff for a feedback form or visit: www.syc.net.au/feedback to provide feedback via our online form.
Thank You
We’d like to thank you for your time in sharing your experiences through our surveys. If you have any questions about how we conduct surveys at SYC, please visit our Survey Information page.
The information provided will be used in accordance with our privacy policy. You can view our privacy policy here.