Youth Skills offers nationally recognised training and support into employment to 15–24 year olds who are engaged with Youth Justice Services, Queensland Corrective Services or Queensland Police Service.

We provide a person-centered approach that builds wellbeing, life and job readiness skills.

Personal Development

Develop skills and improve resilience to live independently as a valued community member. This could include:

- 1-on-1 wellbeing support and coaching

- Independent living skills

- Respectful relationship skills

- Social/team building skills

- Experiential learning

Professional Development

Workshops, courses and training activities provide opportunities for young people to develop education and employment skills. This could include:

- 1-on-1 support to complete training and courses

- Employability skill development

- Work experience

- Volunteering

How does it work?

We provide a person-centered approach that builds wellbeing, life and job readiness skills.

We offer customised support for young people to gain nationally recognised skills and qualifications through partnerships with Registered Training Organisations.

We deliver a program consisting of four phases. These phases are inclusive of vocational training as well as life and soft employability skill development.

Our Coaches provide mentoring and support by utilising case management tools developed specifically for the Sticking Together Project.

Contact the Youth Skills team at SYC

Illustration of young woman with map